Back to School

Back to School

It’s already September, and everyone is back to school, which starts each year in August & since this is the beginning of a new school year, there will be new challenges to face this year since we have new staff and more students attending CHS; which makes lunches and hallways more crunched together.

As school started, a new class of freshman walked through the halls of CHS & a class of seniors left, new teachers arrived while others left after many years. This has been the same routine over the past years, which I think has made a big impact on students and staff. Because most students and teachers have built an educational bund together which helps provides better working strategies and grades.

As of right now, we have a couple new principals this year, like Mr. O’Neil; so far he has made a big impact on our school district in a very positive way. I believe this school year will be exciting and challenging. Also, there are more classes & clubs to take to keep each student educationally active.

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