Happy Birthday Facebook


Karen Vandiver

Lyndsay Prince, JBJ Staff

Eleven years ago today, Mark Zuckerburg and fellow Harvard friends introduced the world to the social media website, Facebook.  As of 2014, Facebook had over 1.3 billion users!  That is 30% of the world’s population on one social media site.  In 2012, CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerburg began selling company stock to the public, peaking Facebook’s net worth at 104 BILLION dollars.

However, people believe that Facebook is going out of style and out of business.  Forbes magazine writes, “With the rate that the tech world is moving these days, there are good reasons to think both might be gone completely in 5 – 8 years.  Not bankrupt gone, but MySpace gone.  And there’s some academic theory to back up that view, along with casual observations from recent history.” Forbes also has the three generations of the Internet:

Internet Generations
Web 1.0 – Companies founded from 1994-2001 Netscape, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and EBay
Web 2.0 or Social – Companies founded from 2002-2009 Facebook, LinkedIn, and GroupOn
Mobile – Companies founded 2010-Present Instagram, Twitter, KiK


With the rise of instant messaging apps, Twitter, and Instagram, it could be possible that Facebook is on its way out.  However, it is still around and will be for a while by the sound of it.  So Happy 11th Birthday Facebook!